In January of 2007, fourteen young ladies chartered the Alpha Sigma Chapter of Gamma Phi Delta Sorority, Inc. on UCF's campus. Thanks to these ladies, the Alpha Sigma Chapter has made history for being the FIRST Undergraduate Chapter in the state of Florida. Introducing the Charter line of the Alpha Sigma chapter...
Emergence of the Butterfly Regime
1. Kia Perry - Event Management Major, Senior
2. Chavanna Copes - HSA Major, Graduated
3. Kedna Obnis - Nursing, Graduated
4. Kadiatou Cesaire - Business Major, Graduated
5. Janice Cave - Nursing, Graduated
6. Jennifer Cave - Nursing, Graduated
7. Cammy Wright - Nursing, Senior
8. Whitney Kelly - Social Work/Nursing, Senior
9. Amanda Budd - , Graduated (not pictured)
10. Candace Jones - , Senior (not pictured)
11. Joey-Ann Jackson - Nursing, Graduated
12. Britany Stott - HSA Major, Graduated
13. Nancy Mathieu - M&M Major, Graduated
14. Heather Colbert - Finance Major, Senior
Withouth these ladies, my line would not be here and for that we are thankful. Thank you Sorors!